21 September 2012

HIV/AIDS Children

Raja Rao

Brighter Future has its own doctor and social workers who survey the villages in the Districts of Vizianagaram and Srikakulam to find children suffering from HIV.

We take the most vulnerable children into our special homes for children with HIV/AIDS.

The children were born with HIV and most of them are orphans.

Some children are referred to Brighter Future because they have no one willing or able to look after them. Some of the children, like Roopa and Raja Rao, are malnourished and are very ill.

James afterwards

HIV infected children suffer from many illnesses that cause skin infections, TB, fungal infections as well as the common childhood diseases, because their immune systems are very weak and their bodies cannot resist the germs.

James had skin infections all over his body that took months to heal. Now he is a happy boy (with scars).

If the children have a nutritious diet, clean water, good personal hygiene, regular rest and exercise they can live longer before they need to start on the very strong drugs that help to slow down the progression to full AIDS.

Our HIV children’s homes enable the children to have a happy childhood, go to school and prepare for their future.

Prem Nivas (House of Love) was opened in October 2006

Karuna Nivas (House of Compassion) followed in 2009

Thompson House in June 2012.

We now have 80 HIV+ children in our residential homes.

We buy only the best medicines, and have to pay for doctors and laboratory investigations as there is no national health service in India.
It costs £25 a month to sponsor an HIV infected child.

Durga does not have a sponsor. He has been waiting for over a year for an uncle or aunty to send photos to him.
P S. A year later Janet Aunty found Durga!

Durga Prasad