25 July 2016

Special thanks!

Brighter Future is very grateful...

.... and extends a special thank you to a relatively new supporter who sent £100 towards the repair of the wall. Victor sent these photos of the completed wall.

.... and to the gentleman who sent £100 towards H's college fees, Coincidentaly his son also has the nickname  'H'!

... and also to the Indian donor who gave two bikes for the older  Prem Nivas Children to share. They will be very useful to go on little errands to the nearby town.

Meanwhile the VTC boys get to learn how ...

to fit taps and pipes in the new Mother's Home bathrooms and toilets. 

 Fitting taps
 Water supply  - pipes from the roof tanks
 Then they tackled the broken grinder with their teacher, Mr Apalla Raju. After that it was time to learn how to service a fan. With five children's homes and ther hospice there are many repair and servicing jobs that they can  and learn about and practice on .

20 July 2016

The Story of H

I would like to tell you about one of our boys

While filing and printing children's biodata today I came across the story of H..... 
He is 15 years old and comes from a little village near the town of Bobbili in Vizianagaram District. He was an only child.

When he was four years old both his parents died of HIV/AIDS. Both of his parents had worked for a daily wage as casual labourers - which means they would present themselves in the place where unemployed people go to look for work. It is not a building and is usually a crossroads or a tea stall  somewhere in the village or town.  Rather like the biblical account of the vineyard workers they go and hope that someone will hire them.  People who are desparate have to look for work even if they are very ill -   for example even if they are having a bad day with their HIV/AIDS.

After both of his parents died H's fathers' relatives didn't want to look after H. His mother's sister took H into her home and she looked after him with her own children.
H went to school every day and he studied well. He is an intelligent child and was always top in his class. However, when he entered the 10th class he was often sick, got fevers, and had coughs and colds. His aunt took him to a doctor for a check up, saying that he had been unwell for months. H had various tests, including a blood test and he was found to be suffering from HIV. 

H took three months off school when he heard that he was HIV positive, He felt broken. Despite his depression and worry he went to school just to sit the National exams at the the end of 10th class in April and May. When the exams results came out last month H found out that he had passed with 89%. H  was not  pleased with that mark. He felt that due to the three months leave the marks in his matriculation had been hampered.
One of the Brighter Future Outreach Workers found H at the Government Hospital department where HIV/AIDS patients go to collect their anti-retroviral medicine. He enquired about H and came to know his history. he brought the matter to the Director of Brighter Future India and the Director joined H into Thompson House. H had regular counseling and now he is feeling much better and has resigned himself to the fact that he has HIV.

 H has been registered and admitted to 1st year of Intermediate College to do his 10+2 . H is joining the English Medium stream at one of the best colleges in the district - Gayitri College. 
Brighter Future is now supporting him, emotionally, educatinally, medically nd nutrition-wise. H is now happy and pleased that he can continue his studies. 

We would like to find two sponors for H - one to sponsor his accommodation and board, and the other to sponsor his college fees. Each work out at about £250 a year.

We do not use photos of H or his full name  - these will only be revealed to his sponsor or sponsors.

18 July 2016

That wall!

  Out of the blue

One of our newer sponsors kindly sent £100 towards the building of a new wall - a lovely thoughtful response! A big thankyou!!

11 July 2016

The wall came tumbling down!

No one was hurt!

The Prem Nivas Primary School was made by converting and finishing off a semi-detached house which we bought in 2009. The house was directly opposite our existing Prem Nivas campus and we were able to incorporate it to provide a much needed school for our younger children. They had been refused admission by local schools for three years because of their HIV status. 

The building belonged to a man who had decided to become a monk and we were, therefore, able to buy it, with help from our sponsors, and a grant from the Canning Trust.  
The boundary wall has collapsed after heavy monsoon rains.  There has not been any building on adjacent plots so the land was full of weeds which like damp conditions, and pools of water, especially in the monsoon season . 

The main school building has been inspected and there is no sign of damage to its fabric.
Stone delivered to make a solid foundation for the new boundary wall of concrete blocks

The photo shows the stone with which a strong foundation is being made for a new boundary wall which also goes around the corner at the back of the class rooms, library and the guest room. 
Victor made sure that reconstruction began as quickly as possible so as  to keep out snakes, pigs, dogs and other undesirables, including creepy crawlies.
The back of the building's boundary wall came down too.

According to the senior mason the wall, when completed,  will have cost Brighter Future  82000 Indian Rupees - that is roughly £943 for labour and materials.

01 July 2016

To the VTC students of Brighter Future

A Letter To the Students at the
 Betty Lawes Vocational Training Centre
 at Shanti Nivas

My dear Young People
 I would like to welcome you to this special training centre which has been set up for you.
The Betty Lawes Foundation in England were told of the need to provide employment opportunities for our HIV children who were not able to continue their studies at 10+2 level.  I told them that there were several boys who were, through no fault of their own, behind in their studies for various reasons.
Some students found learning difficult, some had not had the opportunity to go to school when they were young, because of their family circumstances, because they were too ill to attend school, or because there was no school that would accept them.  
 We want to give you a second chance to succeed. A second chance, to start again. We want to enable you to learn a trade like plumbing, electrical work, repairing electrical appliances and phones.
You are being given a great opportunity. Now you Young People have to prove to the world
that you can learn,
that you are not stupid,
and that you are not lazy.

It may take a long time to learn new things but if you try, try and try again you will succeed in the end. You will feel happy and pleased when you can do something new. When that new knowledge can let you work well, safely and honestly you will feel pleased with yourself and Brighter Future will be proud of you.
It will still be necessary to learn some Maths. Telugu, English and Computer Studies.as well as new subjects. You will be taught in a small group and individually. You will be given the chance to learn through doing tasks, competing with one another, and helping one another.
It is very important that you tell your teachers if you do not understand what you have been asked to do. If you do not understand something ask your teachers or fellow students to explain what you do not know. And then use your knowledge to solve the problems yourself.

The most dangerous thing you can do is to copy.
 Why is it dangerous to copy someone else’s work?  It is harmful to you because then your teacher does not know you don’t understand. He cannot know that you may need extra teaching, and extra practice, to help until you do know what you are doing.
You are now all nearly adult and you must take responsibility for you own behaviour in all things, in learning and in your everyday conduct.

The Betty Lawes Foundation very kindly agreed that they would like to give you the opportunity to have a vocation.
They are giving Brighter Future the finance for the building, equipment and the salaries of your teachers. They have put their trust in Brighter Future India and in YOU. to study well, to learn a trade. After several years of working for an employer and perhaps getting more qualifications, you may one day be able to start your own business.  
The Betty Lawes Foundation want you to do well and learn a trade that will enable you to support yourself and enable you to do well in your future life.
Please remember them in your prayers
 I wish you every success

 Ps  I used Google Translate to write this letter in Telugu and Victor printed it and gave each student a copy

Another First for Brighter Future

Report of Inauguration of the Betty Lawes Foundation Vocational Training Centre for Youth
(Empowering Youth)
at Shanti Nivas Campus on 25th June, 2016
Brighter Future Development Trust
After a long wait the great idea of Mrs Manya Norris was successfully completed. The project is to give a skill and training to our young people for their  future sustainability, especially to the non academic youth infected with HIV. With the idea of Manyaji and the help of The Betty Lawes Foundation UK the Vocational Training Centre was completed by Brighter Future Development Trust.
The Vocational Training Centre is providing skill training in three trades, Electrical, Plumbing & Mobile Phone repairing. All the equipment for the training centre was purchased and the training centre was all set for inauguration on 25th June, 2016. All  college age boys from Rainbow, Karuna Nivas, Prem Nivas and Shanti Nivas took part in the opening program. C:\Users\lenovo\Desktop\DSC_0117.JPG
In The function started at 4pm with a prayer by Pastor Elisha, in the presence of the Director, Mr. Srinu, Mr. Appalraju (trainers at VTC) all staff and children of Shanti Nivas Campus. Afterwards everybody at VTC and  all the children sang songs and hymns.  Pastor Elisha preached some  words from the  bible and linked those words to skill development and self sustainability of the youth.  He beautifully explained to the youth present in the gathering. Director addressed some good words to the boys those who are going to join the VTC namely that:-C:\Users\lenovo\Desktop\DSC_0111.JPGC:\Users\lenovo\Desktop\DSC_0127.JPG
  • This is the idea conceived by Manya Aunty for you all. She always thinks about the children and their welfare she has done lot of hard work and research on this VTC project and convinced Liz Neville Aunty to recommend Brighter Future for this funding.C:\Users\lenovo\Desktop\DSC_0154.JPG
  • This VTC was constructed with the help of Betty Lawes Foundation. Liz Aunty loves all children and she helps Keerthi and Yerrinaidu.
  • This is for the HIV non academic boys because they are not admitted elsewhere so they can now learn skill in different trades. C:\Users\lenovo\Desktop\DSC_0156.JPG

The Director advised that don’t take it easy and don’t think that “director uncle built the VTC and asked us to learn. So we have to go attend the classes”. All the students should attend the classes regularly and learn the respected trades in which they are. This is a life changing opportunity to learn a trade and be able to look after yourself and your family in the future.
Every Sunday all  college boys from all homes will be coming to Shanti Nivas and learn a little about these trades (also on Saturdays in holiday time if they have no college lessons)
Director also mentioned  that if there is any skill development training centre for girls it would  be a great opportunity for them.
The Director also addressed some more words and advice to the upcoming youth and children in the campus.C:\Users\lenovo\Desktop\DSC_0135.JPG
After that boys from PN and SN inaugurated the Plaque of VTC in presence of Director and staff and cut the ribbon and entered into the training centre. After that second plaque was unveiled by Mr. Srinu all the children and staff entered the VTC classrooms. The Director instructed regarding the class timings with the teachers of the VTC.
Finally all the children had sweets and snacks and the meeting wound up with a Vote of Thanks by Pastor Elisha.
All the children and young boys are so thankful to Liz Neville Aunty and Manya Aunty for thinking of them and giving them a bright future through the VTC centre.


Many Thanks to Betty Lawes Foundation…..