06 November 2014

Bad news from Srikakulam where we support HIV/AIDS widows and children living in villages

From Victor;-
Our Pastor told me last night that there are HIV women in our working area, Srikakulam district, and its surrounding villages,  who are in need of cyclone reconstruction support. Many  of  their houses as roofs blew off( being made of palm tree leaves),  electricity meter's wires were ripped out and there is need to replace belongings lost in the wind, like cooking utensils, blankets,  clothes etc. We need to help these HIV infected women and children.

 The women suffer from frequent fevers and muscle pains because of thier compromised immune systems. They also suffer from stigma and are often blamed for their husband's deaths from AIDS wheras in most cases they were infected by thier husbands.

They  find it very difficult to get any employment, be it agricultural labouring or washing dishes in roadside eating places.  They and their children need our support ..

Sadly Shanti Nivas electricity not yet restored. We are all trying so hard to get the labourers and officers to do the restoration.